
Artiste Ouvrier – Solo Show Pochoirs Normands

Opening: 20.11.2009, 7pm


In the early 90ʼs out of a passion to cut things out, a young Parisian art student started to cut out silhouettes of old masterpieces. Back then pro- bably not even the artist himself was thinking of what we call Street art now.

Artiste-Ouvrier and street art are not only connected because of their deeper believe in an art form that comes from the crowd, painting from workers. The artist regards himself as a ʻWorking Class Artistʼ, a worker for the Arts. Within a few years he brings his own stencil technique to perfection and after he inducts his befriended street artist into the Art of Sten- cil, he establishes the first proper stencil crew in France, the WCA – Working Class Art. In 2007 Artiste-Ouvrier moves to Hamburg and sets up the 2nd stencil collective called the A- SA Crew, Altona Stencil Artist, which merges the French and the hanseatic Stencil scene for the first time.

By combining different background colours with stencils for light and shadow areas, Artis- te-Ouvrier manages to craverage stencil works.

In his pieces he combines the fascinating colourfulness of Graffiti with the shapeliness of his stencil cut-outs to a symphony of form and colour. After international exhibitions in Paris, Barcelona, Vienna, Hamburg, London und Addis Abeba, ATM gallery is proud to show Artiste-Ouvrierʼs first solo exhibition in Berlin. For the first time he will be showing his new work series about the historic battle from Waterloo. By using hundreds of single stencils the artist ma- nages to create a vibrant epic of stencil-graffiti.

Mymo ATM Gallery