1010 – OMU
Opening: friday, 4th june, from 7 pm
Exhibition: 4th june – 3rd july 2010
There is only little private stuff known about the street artist 1010. A quality which the artist shares with his creations. The German saying of the ʻReduzieren auf das Wesentlicheʼ, which means that ʻsomething is reduced to its basicsʼ can be used to describe the work of the Hamburg based artist. But in contrast to a rather clichéd saying stands the substantiality of his abstract and dis- tinct style which the artist achieves by reducing his characters to its geometric and basic shapes. Wormlike creatures with bird heads seem to scream towards the viewer in a surreal sur- rounding. Or are these bits only white circles in a minimalist painting? Creature and object, flat nevertheless deep, abstract anyhow alive. These are the dubious contradictions, which face each other and which 1010 consciously creates in order to evo- ke a mysterious symbolism.